What is the best way to organize a website? Consider this first.

When I create the content for a website, I ask the same kind of questions I ask in the planning process of any project:

  • Will visitors find the content they need?

  • Are there well-organized categories of content they can use?

  • Will the user experience provide something they love?

Many professional organizers embrace the philosophy, "Do you need, use, or love it?" I plan the content structure of your website with that same premise. It helps me determine which content has value to you—and your audience.

As I strategize what content belongs on each individual page, I remember these guidelines—again, loosely adapted from my process as a professional organizer:

  • Less of the fancy stuff, and more of the relevant.

  • Better to have a one-page site that attracts the visitor, than 20 pages of nothing special.

  • The site's information must be correct, engaging, and easy to find.

  • Flow is important. Take the time to map a logical progression through the site.

  • The most important thing is to connect with your visitors and make them feel valued, comfortable, and curious to learn more.

I recognize that this is all philosophy and not precise directions on how to organize your website content. There’s time for specific directions, and you’ll find what you need to get your site started elsewhere on this website.

You might think all of the above is already baked into the process—assumed—on every site. But with all the distracting "bright and shiny objects" out there, it's easy to miss the basics.

Don't let that be you.


Find more information on my process on my WORK WITH ME page.

Ready to talk about your new site? Schedule your consultation call here.


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